VIVA – Pruritus (itchy skin) and Xerosis (dry skin) are common in the elderly. Both of these diseases can be very dangerous and also can reduce the life quality level. Pruritus and dry skin can be the beginning of a seious disease and even a sign that someone has certain diseases.

A virtual briefing held by Pramudia Clinic on November 3, 2022, explained more about dry skin and itchy skin that can affect a quality-of-life person such as disturbing sleep and causing anxiety to stress. CEO of Pramudia Clinic, dr. Anthony Handoko, SpKK, FINSDV, in his remarks, said that Pramudia Clinic always commits to the best health services for all patients, especially elderly patients, to be more concerned about the health conditions of dry skin and itchy skin.


“We care that complaints of itching and dryness on the skin of elderly patients can cause a decrease in their quality of life. There needs to be a proper and correct diagnosis from a skin and venereal specialist,” dr. Anthony remarked. On the same occasion, Pramudia Clinic Dermatology and Venereology Specialist, dr. Amelia Soebyanto, Sp.DV, revealed that dry skin can happen in women and men of all ages, but people with the elderly have a higher risk.

“Dry skin can happen in both women and men, and the elderly have a higher risk. Dry skin is a condition where the outermost layer of the skin is less moist due to a decrease in the water content and fat content in the skin,” dr. Amelia remarked. "Dry skin has a rough, scaly, cracked skin texture, and could be accompanied by complaints of itching," she added.

According to dr. Amelia, the factors that cause dry skin and itchy skin are divided into two, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are caused by the presence of other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, liver disease, and consumption of certain drugs.

Meanwhile, external factors from the environment and lifestyle. For example, the use of an air conditioner for a long time, changing seasons and humidity, too long for bathing habits, and stress.

Very dry skin can provide an avenue for bacteria to enter and invade the body. In addition, dry skin is also the main cause of itchy skin (pruritus). Thus, the use of over-the-counter drugs has the potential to make complaints worse and risk causing infection due to the desire to scratch, dr. Amelia explained. After that, the Skin and Sex Specialist of Pramudia Clinic, dr. Yustin Sumito, Sp.KK, explained that pruritus or itchy skin can be said to be a symptom of certain skin diseases, and not all of them are contagious. Infectious pruritus is pruritus caused by a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection.

She also explained that there are three main processes related to aging that are associated with pruritus. “First, the loss of skin barrier function which causes a decrease in the repair function of the skin. Second, immunosenescence or a decrease in the work of the immune system or the body's protection system. Third, neuropathy or nervous system abnormalities, where pruritus tends to recur more often,” dr. Justin explained.

Therefore, a proper diagnosis is needed for someone who has pruritus. Early detection of pruritus can be done through anamnesis (asking about the patient's history), physical examination, and a thorough investigation.

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Judul Artikel : Dry Skin and Pruritus Can Be Dangerous for Life Quality Level
Link Artikel : https://www.viva.co.id/english/1539969-dry-skin-and-pruritus-can-be-dangerous-for-life-quality-level?page=3
Oleh : Arianti Widya

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